Monday, March 18, 2013

Student Choice Blog

Choose from the topics listed below and answer with the following information:
[We are having a difficult time lately following all directions given, so let's make the corrections needed to stop this habit.]

1) Topic chosen
2) Your statement/opinion/fact
3) Your citation (website or textbook page number used to support the information you posted).
**You may post an opinion, but must be able to site a source that helped you arrive at that opinion.
4) Keep topics together in the blog thread this week.  Check before you post and remember no duplicate posts will be accepted.

Topics to choose from:

1) Suffrage Movement:
How did the Suffrage Movement effect Texas specifically?  Provide specific details.

2) Great Depression:
List a cause of the Great Depression.  (Check your source!)

3) Dust Bowl:
List a fact about the Dust Bowl.  Make sure you note the areas of its impact. 

4) Prohibition:
How did the Prohibition Movement impact Texas specifically?  Provide details.

5) Terrell Election Law:
What was this?  Where does it fit in with a topic we are studying?

6) Civil Disobedience:
Define and add specific details of how it began and how it was applied in reform movements.


  1. 1)Dust Bowl
    2)During dust storms,static electricity was so horrible that it short out cars,and leave people stranded in theses dust storms

  2. Paul M 3rd
    1. Dust Bowl
    2. The Dust Bowl swept through parts of Texas, Kansas, New Mexico, and Colorado. The Dust Bowl lasted for nine years.

  3. 1)Great Depression
    2)The Stock Market Crash of 1929 was one of the main causes of the Great Depression. Some of the stock holders lost $40 billion.

  4. 1)Great Depression
    2)A lot of people started to buy cars,refriedgerators, and other unnecessary and expensive items with money that they didn't have. They began using credit, by using credit they owed a lot of debt.

  5. 1)Prohibition

    2)This movement banned alcohol selling,creating and so on. The eightteenth admendment did this and made some Texas people became less violent, less families destroyed, and less crime. Alcohol is really bad for the brain, makes people go large doses.


  6. 1) The Dust Bowl
    2) This happened in Texas, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma.
    3) There were 14 dust storms reported in 1932.

  7. Dust bowl

    This was like the Great Depression, but instead of lack of money, a lack of crops. Dust storms rolled in, and lingered for years. The dust was referred to as the "Brown Plague" because it killed people by inducing severe bronchitis due to all of the dust and dirt.

  8. 1) Great Depression
    2) Throughout the 1930s over 9,000 banks failed. As banks failed, people lost their savings. This led to less expenditures.

  9. 1) The Dust Bowl
    2) The Dust Bowl lasted from 1934-1937, and since the ground didn't have any strong root systems, the strong winds ripped the topsoil off the ground and caused dust storms nicknamed "Black Blizzards" because the dust was so dense, it appeared to be pitch black.

  10. 1. The Great Depression
    2.It lasted from 1929 to1937.By 1932 one out every American was unemployed, by 1933 millions were out of a job.Hundreds of thousands roamed the cities searching for food, water, and shelter. The CCC created jobs by sitting up camps working in conservation projects such as eliminating steam pollution, animal Sanctuaries and protecting national parks.


  11. 1)Great Depression
    2)One of the top 5 reasons is American Economic Policy with 1930 the goverment made the Smooth-Hawley Tariff which was mad to somewhat help protect American companies.

  12. 1)Great Depression
    2)Due to severe drought conditions, including the region of Mississippi valley, livestock and crops could not be sufficiently watered. When farmers and ranchers didn't have the money to pay their land taxes, they had no choice but to sell it. This area would be known as the Dust Bowl.

  13. 1. Great Depression

    2. In previous depressions, such as those of the
    1870s and 1890s, real per capita gross
    domestic product (GDP)—the sum of all goods
    and services produced, weighted by market
    prices and adjusted for inflation—had returned
    to its original level within five years.


  14. Prohibition 2.Instead of a solution, prohibition created more problems. Alchohol was beimg bootlegged from foreign countries, Nightclubs sprang up. Offshore liqour stores called "Rum Rows" were also made. People will do anything to get there alchohol!

  15. 1) civil disobedience
    2) the 1930s, led by M K Gandhi, and started when the Simon Commission was started by the British government.

  16. 1)Terrell Election Law
    2)This law helped make elections more fair by regulating how a political party nominates its candidates.

  17. 1) Great Depression
    2) There was an unequal distribution of wealth; the top 1% revieved a 75% increase in their disposable income while the other 99% saw a 9% increase in their disposable income.

  18. 1) The Great Depression
    2) The Dust Bowl was one of the top 5 causes of the Great Depression

  19. 1) Suffrage Movement
    2) The women in Texas helped decide who was elected to state office or any U.S.A. office.
    3) Textbook page 441.

  20. 1). The Great Depression
    2). Many citizens blamed President Herbert Hoover for their loses.
    3). Texas History Book page 477

    1. 1)Great Depression
      2)Tuesday October 29,1929 was when the stock market crashed and when the Great Depression officially started. This happened because banks invested a lot of money to large companies.

  21. 1:) Terrell Election Law
    2:it made each party only have one can candidate for a certain role in the goverment.

  22. Prohibition
    1)The prohibition era lasted from 1920-1933
    2)Before congress passed the complete prohibition amendment they passed the wartime prohibition act on November 18, 1918.
    3)The wartime prohibition act banned the sale of alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content over 2.75%. The act was passed on June 30, 1919.
    4)Finally , when alcohol was legalized crime rates decreased and new jobs were created due to the expanding liquor companies.

  23. 1)Great Depression
    2)Tuesday October 29,1929 was when the stock market crashed. That was the day the great depression officially started. This happened because a lot of banks invested in a lot of large industries.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Please identify yourself for class credit.

      -Mrs. Buchanan

    2. 1.women suffrage

      2. Ever since Texas Constitution of 1876, women weren't allowed to vote. So the women took matters into their own hands thinking that they'll have the right vote one way or another they made a group called Texas Equal Suffrage Association where they issued the women rights to the state legislature. Women were finally granted their right to vote in the Nineteenth Amendment in 1919.

      3. Textbook page #441

  26. The Great Depression was caused by inflation of the U.S. dollar and the fact that we had too many goods and not enough consumers. It was also because of the stock market crash. First, the U.S. government had printed too many copies of the dollar bill and so the amount of the dollar was greatly decreased. Also, too many goods were being made and there was many goods that none were in demand so nobody was making any money causing businesses to close down. Then, the stock market crashed and the banks had no money so they were forced to use peoples money that were in the bank for savings. The Great Depression ended when the U.S. joined World War II and everything was high in demand again. and Textbook

  27. 1)The Great Depression
    2)The banks were running out of money so they couldn't give money to the people with accounts.

  28. Great Depression-The drought that occurred in Mississippi Valley in 1930 was so bad many people couldn't pay their taxes and they had to sell their farms to.

  29. 1 Dust Bowl 2 The dirt kicked up by the storms had catastrophic conceqences on everyone it killed animals, buried houses, and had done many more 3. Textbook

  30. great depression

    The 150,000-square-mile area, encompassing the Oklahoma and Texas panhandles and neighboring sections of Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico, has little rainfall, light soil, and high winds, a potentially destructive combination.

  31. 1)Great Depression
    2) There was a large number of high tarrifs and war debts; in 1922, the U.S. passed the Fordney-Mc Cumber Act, which instituded high tarrifs on industrial products.Because of those tarrifs world trade ended and the Great Depression started.

  32. The Dust Bowl was a horrible drought that was during the Great Depression. It was in the Midwestern part of the US. The states that were most effective by the Dust Bowl were Nebraska, Texas, South Dakota, and Oklahoma. Farmers and Ranchers in the Dust Bowl were the ones that took the hardest hit in this horrible time. Due to the horrible conditions in the Midwestern states the families that were most effected had to relocate to other states that were not effected by the Dust Bowl.

  33. 1.The dust bowl
    2.the textbook page 479
    3. Dust and sand could whip through an area with enough force to blast the paint of a car!!!!!!Wow that is a lot of power and force.

  34. 1. the dust bowl 1940, more than 2.5 million people had fled the dust bowl.More than 10% had gone to California.

  35. Terrell Election Law
    1.In 1903 the state legislature passed the Terrell Election Law to ensure that elections would be carried out fairly. The law called for secret ballots and restricted campaigning near the polling booths. An important provision required that major political parties hold primary elections.
    3.I belive this goes with our lesson because it oversees the elections that were happening at the time.

  36. Starting in 1910, some states in the West began to give women the right to vote to for the first time in almost 20 years. States like Idaho and Utah gave women the right to vote at the end of the 19th century. The more established Southern and Eastern states didn't want to get involved.

  37. Terrell Election Law

    With the enactment in 1905 of the Terrell Election Law, a statewide direct-primary system for all state, district, and county elective offices was established and made mandatory for all parties that had received as many as 100,000 votes in the previous election; the requirement was later altered to 200,000 votes and afterward to 20 percent of the vote in the last gubernatorial election.

  38. Due to high winds,unusual temperature, very exetreme drought led to dust storms up to 7000-8000 feet hight.

  39. Terrell Election Law
    The Terrell Election Law is a law that applied exclusively to general elections and were not voluminous. Mostly democratic parties were affected by these laws.

    1. 1)Terrell Election Law
      2)The state legislature passed The Terrell Elestion Law in 1903 to make sure elections would be carried out fairly. There were secret voting ballots and limited campaigning at this time due to this newly passed law.

  40. Prohabition
    Al Capon was one of the most infamous criminals in history. He made millions by boot-legging alcohal during the prohabition. Illegal bars during prohabition were called "speak-easies."

  41. 1) The Dust Bowl

    2)One monster dust storm reached the Atlantic Ocean. A huge dust storm 2 miles high traveled around 2000 miles before hitting the East Coast on May 11, 1934. For 5 hours, afog of prairie dirt concealed the Statue of Liberty and the U.S. Capitol. While the U.S. Capitol was in the dust storm lawmakers were debating a soil conservation bill. For the East Coasters, the storm was just an inconvenience.


  42. PROIBITION The prohibition movement influenced Texas and American politics from the 1840s to the 1930s. In the nineteenth century a movement against alcoholic beverages arose when some Americans, appalled by the social damage and individual wreckage that alcohol consumption too often seemed to cause, sought to persuade citizens to refrain from drinking liquor. This "temperance" movement enjoyed considerable success and continued parallel with the prohibition movement

  43. The Great Depression
    When the jobs open were descending, 100% Americans said that the Hispanics and Mexicans were taking the jobs.

  44. 1) the dust bowl
    2) more than 7,000 people died in the dust bowl, not including animals

  45. Blog is closed.
    -Mrs. Buchanan

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